"Tasting is professionally understanding the message conveyed by a winemaker, a viticulturist, a master distiller, or a winery owner through their work transformed into Pisco".
Archivo de La Nacion discovers the oldest document of pisco (1583 - 1587).
Left to right:
Face A
Cristobal Martin Escacena, undertook to pay Enrique Figueroa, 300 jars of *"aguapie" for the first harvest of 1584, which would be delivered at the foot of the winepress.
Town of Valverde (Ica), 11/05/1583.
*Aguapie" refers to the grape pomace left after pressing, and it's often mixed with water. This mixture helps extract any remaining juice from the pomace.
Face B
Manuel de Azante and Jorge Capelo, residents of the town, had a dispute over a partnership agreed between them, which led Jorge Capelo to request the return of his still and other products that he had provided in favor of the partnership, while Manuel de Azante requested from Jorge Capelo a large quantity of brandy and wine that he had provided for the same purpose.
Town of Valverde (Ica), 11/18/1587.
may 2024
Where pisco is the only protagonist!
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lapiscoteca piscosour winelover pisco pasionporlacata bar elpiscoesdelperu vino vinosdelperu pisco piscolover Lima Peru Moquegua Tacna Arequipa Ica
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